在這個全球化的社會中,在國內外接受高等教育的學生日趨增加,也因此對 EAP 學術英語課程 (English for Academic Purpose) 的需求越來越多,今年劍橋英語師訓日特別針對 EAP 課程的趨勢、挑戰及評測做探討,另外也針對 IELTS 雅思考試做介紹與分析。現在就讓小編帶大家來看本次活動的內容吧!GO~
Presentation 1
Analyzing EAP: English, Academic Life, and Purposes
Institutions around the globe are finding an increase in the number of students joining academic English-language courses. This talk will look at some of the challenges of teaching EAP in the current educational climate and look at how to address these issues in designing course content.
Presentation 2
Key Considerations for Teaching IELTS
With the increasing popularity of the IELTS exam, more and more teachers find themselves struggling to focus on helping their students achieve satisfactory results. Unfortunately, the problem is not a lack of information and ideas about the exam, but rather determining which advice and sources can be trusted. This talk will look at breaking down the essentials of the exam to help teachers understand what is important to look for when teaching IELTS courses.
Allen Davenport
Allen Davenport is the Teacher Development Manager for the ASEAN region at Cambridge University Press. He has been actively involved in the region for over a decade as a teacher, training consultant, academic administrator, and examiner for numerous international exam boards. Allen holds a bachelor’s degree in anthropology and master’s degree in education, with a focus on student development. He has been a featured speaker at many conferences and events around Asia and the Middle East, and his professional interests include the development of creativity in learners and investigating how English language teaching is adapting to meet the needs of the 21st-century learner.
13:00-13:30 Registration
13:30-13:40 Opening Speech
13:40-14:40 Presentation 1 – Analyzing EAP: English, Academic Life, and Purposes
14:40-15:10 Tea Break
15:10-16:25 Presentation 2 – Key Considerations for Teaching IELTS
16:25-16:35 Q & A Session
16:35-16:45 Prize Drawing
活動日期/地點 DATE/VENUE
4/27 Sat. | 高雄 Kaohsiung 已額滿
文藻外語大學 行政大樓國際會議廳(3樓)
807 高雄市三民區民族一路900號
No. 900, Minzu 1st Rd., Sanmin Dist., Kaohsiung City (Administration Building 3F, Wenzao University)
4/28 Sun. | 台北 Taipei 已額滿
106 台北市大安區忠孝東路三段197號旁
No. 197, Sec. 3, Zhongxiao E. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City (Building Everlight 2F)
報名費用 ADMISSION:免費 (Free)
報名辦法 REGISTRATION:須事先報名 (Required)
* 請透過線上報名系統報名 已額滿
(Please use our online registration system to register.)
* 線上報名後,將以手機簡訊通知「報名碼」,以確認完成報名。
(A text message will be sent to you to confirm your registration.)
* 凡參加完整研習者,劍橋可提供師訓日證書。
(Cambridge University Press would issue a Certificate of Attendance to anyone who attends the full conference.)
* 若有任何活動相關問題,請洽詢華泰文化:02-2162-1217分機163。
(Should you have any questions, please contact: Hwa Tai Publishing 02-2162-1217 Ext. 163)
報名截止: 2019年4月18日。
Deadline of registration: 18th April 2019.
劍橋英語教材 台灣總代理
文藻外語大學 英國語文系
文藻外語大學 英語教學中心
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劍橋大學出版社劍橋華泰文化ELT劍橋大學語言測評考試院cambridge english教材英語學習Cambridge Day教學劍橋英語教師研習IELTS 雅思研習營IELTS雅思雅思考試teacher’s day英國留學