21世紀的社會日新月異,在快速變遷的時代裡,如何透過教育培養新生代的學子擁有當代必備的素養能力呢? 國北教大教育系特邀劍橋大學出版社的語言及教育法研究總監 Ben Knight 以當代教育趨勢與生活技能的養成為講題,試圖為新世代兒童雙語課程提供具備實證而全方位的實踐方案,歡迎各界教育工作者報名參加講座! (前往活動網頁)

Making sense of life skills:
The Cambridge Framework for Life Competencies in Education
This talk aims to make sense of the increasing range of life skills trends in education– Whole Child Education, 21st century skills, Growth Mindset, Global Competency, Positive Education, Social & Emotional Learning, Critical Thinking Skills, Most Likely to Succeed, etc. Ben will also look at why primary bilingual programmes are being required to include these skills.
本講座從孩童全人教育 (Whole Child Education)、21世紀技能 (21st century skills)、成長型思維 (Growth Mindset)、全球素養 (Global Competency)、正向教育 (Positive Education)、社會與情緒學習 (Social & Emotional Learning)、思辨能力 (Critical Thinking Skills) 等全球關注之當代教育趨勢以及近來引發教育界廣大迴響的紀錄片《Most Likely to Succeed》出發,講者以生活技能的培養為探討主軸,並進一步介紹「劍橋生活素養架構」,內容結合當代必備之六大生活素養能力—創新思維 (Creative Thinking)、思辨能力 (Critical Thinking)、終生學習力 (Learning to Learn)、溝通能力 (Communication)、團隊合作力 (Collaboration)、社會責任 (Social Responsibilities),試圖為新世代兒童雙語課程提供具備實證而全方位的實踐方案。
08:30-09:00 Registration
09:00-09:10 Opening
09:10-10:10 Presentation: Session 1
10:10-10:30 Tea Break
10:30-11:30 Presentation: Session 2
11:30-12:00 Q & A

Ben Knight
Ben Knight is Director for Language & Pedagogy Research at Cambridge University Press. He leads on using high quality academic research to develop more effective learning materials and resources. With his expertise in curriculum development and pedagogical research, he helps to underpin Cambridge’s educational resources with research-based insights and conceptual models. Since 2016, he has driven forward the development of the Cambridge Life Competencies Framework. He has worked on educational reform projects in countries from Mexico to Japan, and is particularly focused on integrating the different components of education to maximum impact.
He studied Linguistics at the University of York and Applied Linguistics at the University of Edinburgh. He then became a teacher, trainer and lecturer, in schools, universities and the British Council, in various countries around the world – Kenya, India, Sri Lanka, Japan, Italy and the UK. For a number of years he specialised in assessment, developing new exams at Cambridge Assessment and managing vocational qualifications at City & Guilds, and now combines his expertise in assessment and learning to provide a holistic and evidence-based approach to education.
Ben Knight 為現任劍橋大學出版社語言及教學法研究總監,致力於運用優質學術研究來研發更具學習成效的教學資源。Ben憑藉其長年於課程開發與教學研究方面的專業,透過深厚的研究洞見並輔以概念模式 (conceptual models) 強化劍橋所研發的相關教育資源。自2016年起,他即不斷推動「劍橋生活素養架構」的研發,至今更是參與過包括墨西哥、日本等國在內的教育改革計畫,尤其特別側重於將教育的各種不同構成要素相互整合,以發揮教育最大的效益與影響力。
Ben 早年在英國約克大學研讀語言學並取得英國愛丁堡大學應用語言學碩士文憑。隨後,他相繼於肯亞、印度、斯里蘭卡、日本、義大利、英國等不同國家的中小學、大學以及英國文化協會擔任教師、培訓師與講師。其在評測領域經驗豐富,曾於劍橋大學語言評測考試院參與測驗的研發,並且在英國城市專業學會 (City & Guilds) 主管職業資格認證業務。如今,結合了他在語言學習與評測方面卓然有成的專業知能,竭力為現今教育發展提供既經實證又具全面果效的解決之道。
活動地點 VENUE
國立臺北教育大學 篤行樓.國際會議廳(六樓)
National Taipei University of Education.Duxing Building (6F)
地址:10671 臺北市和平東路二段134號
No 134, Sec 2, Heping E. Rd, Da’an Dist, Taipei City (Duxing Building, 6F)
報名費用ADMISSION: 免費 (Free)
報名辦法REGISTRATION: 須事先報名 (Required)
*請透過線上報名系統 https://forms.gle/jWRsVECDea22kaNV7
(Please use our online registration system to register.)
(An email will be sent to you to confirm your registration.)
報名截止: 2019年12月04日。
Deadline of registration: 04 Dec 2019.
(Should you have any questions, please contact: Department of Education, NTUE) 02-2732-1104 Ext. 62161)

國立臺北教育大學 教育學系

劍橋英語教材 台灣總代理
